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  • Morning Praise

    Blessed are you, Lord God: Blessed are you for ever. Holy is your name: Blessed are you for ever. Great is your mercy for your people. In the morning I cry out to you: Blessed are you for ever.

    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I praise you and give you glory: I bless you for calling me to be one of your holy people. Remain in my heart, and guide me in my love and service all of this day. Help me to shine your light before others and lead them to the way of faith. Holy Trinity of love, I praise you now and for ever.

  • Forgive So You Can Be Free

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”(Luke 23:34, NIV)

    As Jesus was hanging on the cross, having been betrayed by one of His disciples, falsely accused by the religious authorities, mocked by soldiers, and about to breathe His last breath, He did something significant. He said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” They didn’t ask for or deserve forgiveness. But Jesus was showing us by example to release the toxin of unforgiveness so that nothing will hold us back.

    When somebody does us wrong, human nature wants to hold on to the hurt and anger, to carry around a bitter grudge. We think, I’m not going to forgive them. They don’t deserve it. But you’re not forgiving for their sake; you’re forgiving for your sake. Unforgiveness is a toxin that will contaminate your life. When you forgive, as Jesus did, you’re not excusing their behavior. You’re simply getting the poison out of you. You have to forgive so that you can be free.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for Your love toward me. Thank You that because I am freely forgiven by Jesus on the cross, I can also forgive others for anything they’ve done wrong to me. I declare that I’m letting it go and getting the poisons out of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Turn Off the Accusing Voices

    Today’s Scripture
    “...The accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.”Revelation 12:10, NKJV)

    The enemy will remind you of everything you’ve ever done wrong. It’s easy to live in regret, thinking about what you did or didn’t do. Don’t go through life looking in your rearview mirror, being down on yourself, living in regret. You can’t do anything about the past, but you can do something about your future.

    The moment you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you. Why don’t you forgive yourself and empty out all the guilt? Turn off the accusing voices that try to deceive you into living with condemnation.

    None of us deserve to be blessed. We deserve judgment. This is what God’s mercy is all about. That’s why it’s called “the good news.” Your sins have already been paid for and forgiven. You don’t have to pay God back. When the accuser says, “You blew it again!” just answer, “I’m not perfect, but I’m forgiven, and I’m moving forward.” Don’t let guilt poison your future.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and that includes me. Thank You that the enemy has no power over my life. I declare that I’m not perfect, but I am forgiven, and I’m moving forward in victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Prayer for the Day

    I bless you for the day you have made, Mighty Lord God, and pray that I may spend this day rejoicing in your creation. I pray for your Holy Spirit to fill me with the joy of my salvation, so that your light may shine through me into the world, that your honor and glory may be known to all people.

    Remind me of your blessings, I pray, with every tribulation I may face, so that I may act with energy, forgiveness and love, ever mindful of the grace You have shown to me. Through Christ I pray,

  • There’s Something Amazing about You

    Today’s Scripture
    “...But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”(Exodus 3:11, NIV)

    So often we look at others and think, Wow, they are so amazing, and I’m so ordinary.They’re so smart, and I’m so average. She’s so beautiful, but I’m so plain.

    While it’s true that they may be amazing in certain areas, you have to realize there’s something amazing about you as well. You are talented, you are attractive, and you have been fearfully and wonderfully made. While God wants us to celebrate others, He wants you to be celebrated as well. You didn’t get left out when God was handing out the gifts, the talents, or the looks. He put something in you that will cause you to shine. You can be a great businessperson, a great teacher, a great mother. Don’t get so focused on what somebody else has that you don’t realize what you have.

    You have to know who you are. God breathed His life into you. You are His masterpiece. Don’t compare yourself. Celebrate yourself.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for the amazing people You’ve brought into my life, and thank You for making me amazing as well. Thank You that You gave me the gifts and talents and the looks I have. I celebrate the person You have made me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Prayer for Purity of Worship

    Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires are known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: Cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that I may perfectly love you and worthily praise your holy name. Through Christ I pray,

  • Lacking Nothing

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Those who trust in the LORD will lack no good thing.”(Psalm 34:10, NLT)

    So often we think, If I had more money and more talent, I could do something great. If I had a bigger house, I’d be happy. But as long as you feel as though you don’t have enough, you’ll make excuses to be less than your best.

    You have to get a new perspective. God has given you exactly what you need for the season you’re in. You have the talent, the friends, the connections, the resources, and the experience you need for right now.

    Psalm 34 says that because your trust is in the Lord, He will make sure you have whatever you need when you need it. You won’t “lack any good thing.” This means that if you don’t have it right now, you don’t need it right now. Our attitude should be, “I’m equipped, empowered, and anointed for this moment. I am not lacking, shortchanged, inadequate, missing out, or less than. I have what I need for today.”

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for the assurance that You have provided me with exactly what I need for the season I am in. I believe that You have equipped and empowered me with every good thing right now, and You will keep providing for me as I need it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Prayer for the Morning

    I bless you for the day you have made, Mighty Lord God, and pray that I may spend this day rejoicing in your creation. I pray for your Holy Spirit to fill me with the joy of my salvation, so that your light may shine through me into the world, that your honor and glory may be known to all people.

    Remind me of your blessings, I pray, with every tribulation I may face, so that I may act with energy, forgiveness and love, ever mindful of the grace You have shown to me. Through Christ I pray,

  • Pushed into Our Purpose

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails...”(Proverbs 19:21, NIV)

    Sometimes God will let us be uncomfortable for a dark, difficult period so He can bless us later on. He’ll close a door, which we don’t like, but later on He’ll open a bigger door. God is not as concerned about our comfort as He is about our purpose. There are times when He will shake things up to force us to change. His goal is not to make our life miserable; He’s pushing us into our purpose.

    Not every closed door is a bad thing. If God had not shut that door, we would have been satisfied to stay where we were. Not every time a person walks away from us is a tragedy. God knows we won’t move forward without a push. You have too much potential, too much talent, too much in you to get stuck where you are. He’ll put you in situations that make you stretch, make you grow, make you spread your wings.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that You know what’s best for me, and You’re pushing, stretching, and enlarging me for a reason. Thank You for closed doors as well as open doors. I believe that You have something bigger, something better, something more rewarding up in front of me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • For Those in Prisons

    Lord, you offer freedom to all who come to you through Christ. Grant knowledge of this freedom to all who are incarcerated and for those who are affected by their imprisonment. Break the bonds of fear and isolation. Support with your love prisoners, their families, friends, prison staff and all who care about them.

    Heal those who have been wounded by the activities of others, especially the victims of crime. Help them and us always to forgive one another, to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly together with Christ, in his strength and his spirit, now and every day.

  • The Power of the Blessing

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Touch not my anointed ones...”(Psalm 105:15, ESV)

    You are God’s anointed. When people come against you, they’re also coming against the God who put the blessing on you. The good news is, you don’t have to fight those battles. Don’t try to do it in your own strength. You have a defender. Stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord. The people and circumstances you’re up against may seem bigger and more powerful, but stay in peace. The blessing on you is greater than what’s trying to stop you.

    The Scripture says that what God has blessed, no man can curse. The blessing on you is more powerful than any betrayal, than any negative word spoken over you, than people trying to discredit you. Nobody can take that blessing from you. That means you are blessed no matter what people or circumstances say. Here’s the key: the blessing did not come from people, so it cannot be taken away by people.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for the anointing You have put on my life. Thank You that no one can take that blessing from me, and it is greater than whatever tries to stop me. I believe the blessing is going to take me further than I’ve imagined. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Prayer to Have Inner Peace in the Coming Day

    Heavenly God, may I have peace within, this day;
    May I trust God that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
    May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
    May I use those gifts that I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me.

    May I be confident knowing I am a child of God.
    Let this presence settle into my bones, and allow my soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. This I pray in Christ’s name,

    (~ St. Therese of Lisieux)
  • Stay Committed

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Don’t lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart. Earn a reputation for living well in God’s eyes and the eyes of the people...”(Proverbs 3:3–4, MSG)

    At any point in His ministry, and especially as He approached the cross, Jesus could have said, “I’ve loved these people, healed them, and served them, but they treat me badly. I’ve had enough. I’m done.” But Jesus stayed committed when it was hard, when it wasn’t fair, when He had every right to quit. He was unyielding when it came to fulfilling His destiny, even at the cost of His own life.

    Is there something you’ve been tempted to give up on, to take the easy way out, to slack off—a dream, a relationship, a job? You may have a good reason to walk away, to back off, to not be your best, but God is saying, “Stay committed, stay determined, keep doing the right thing.” If you’ll stay committed to your dreams, to your marriage, to your friends, to your job, God is going to open doors no man can shut and take you to the fullness of your destiny.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that nothing, not even the cross, could break Jesus’ commitment to loving and redeeming me. Thank You that I have the can-do power to do the right thing when it’s hard. Help me to stay committed, to be faithful, and to stay loyal. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • To Belong to Christ

    Oh loving Lord Christ, so eager to die that I might live,
    I am no longer my own, but yours.
    Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will;
    Put me to doing; put me to suffering;
    Let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you;
    Exalted for you, or brought low for you;
    Let me be full, let me be empty;
    Let me have all things; let me have nothing.
    I freely and with my whole heart yield all things to your will and direction.

    And now, oh glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
    You are mine and I am yours. Let this be for eternity, I pray.

  • Prayer To Avoid Vanity of Ownership

    Oh heavenly Father, who has created all things, you have given us dominion over much of your creation. I have taken this for granted, oh my God, until it seems to be my entitlement. Yet, it is not. The things of this earth and even my own body will not be mine forever, or even for much longer. One day soon my soul will be naked of every possession. They were given to me, and they will be taken from me. “From dust my body was born, and unto dust it shall return.”

    Grant me always a sense of eternity when seeking possessions, when dealing with possessions, and especially steer me away from pride of ownership. For it is a temporary thing, and filled with sinful pride, to think that I am elevated by what I possess: my money, my house, my appearance, my intelligence, my achievements—for all are things of this world.

    Turn my mind always to eternity and inhabit the forefront of my mind with the only true and enduring possessions I have: Your love, your grace, and your mercy. “The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. ” In Christ’s name I pray,

  • Live in Freedom

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom...”(2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV)

    If you’re always thinking about something negative that happened yesterday, last month, last year, there’s no freedom there. That’s where the Spirit of the Lord was. This is a new day. Quit living in what was and come over into what is. Right now there is freedom, joy, peace, and restoration for you. Right now there are new beginnings.

    Remaining upset and offended about what happened yesterday doesn’t bring freedom. Living in regret of what you should have done or what could have been doesn’t do anything productive. It’s time to drop it and move forward. You may be a product of your past, but you don’t have to be a prisoner of your past. God already knew every hurt, every loss, and every mistake you would go through.

    The good news is that for every setback, He’s already arranged a comeback; for every disappointment, a new beginning; for every failure, restoration; for all the ashes, He has beauty. Live in freedom.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that Your Spirit is working in my life and bringing me into freedom. Thank You that I can make a clear break with the past and enter into new beginnings. I declare that I am leaving behind what was and coming over into what is. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Celebrate Partial Victories

    Today’s Scripture
    “...When the builders completed the foundation of the Temple, the priests…blew their trumpets; and…crashed their cymbals to praise the Lord…singing this song: “He is good, and his love and mercy toward Israel will last forever...”(Ezra 3:10–11, TLB)

    The Israelites had a dream to rebuild the temple. It was a huge task. After much work and frustration, they finally finished the foundation. They hadn’t even started the walls, yet they had a huge party. They could have said, “Forget it. We’re never going to finish,” but instead, they celebrated the small victory.

    We all have things in our life that are incomplete. We’ve made some progress, but the dream hasn’t come to pass, a problem hasn’t turned around. Too often we wait for the total victory to celebrate. “When I get out of debt, I’ll be grateful.” But the key to seeing it come to fulfillment is to not let its completion hold your thanksgiving hostage. Celebrate partial victories along the way. When you pay off one credit card, celebrate what God has done. When you pass the test of being grateful for the small things, He’ll release big things in your life—more favor, more healing, more strength.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for Your faithfulness and love and mercy in my life. Thank You for the partial victories that You have given me, and I know that You are working to bring them to completion. Help me continue to be grateful and see every promise fulfilled. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Prayer to Live Christ’s Word Today

    Gracious God, Jesus is calling me to a new beginning; to a fresh call to discipleship. You are asking me to deny myself, take up my cross and follow you. It was at my baptism that you claimed me as your child.

    Today, I affirm that I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. I surrender my will, my desires and my life to you, O God. I commit myself to your call to discipleship: to pray, study your Word, worship you, invite other people to a life of discipleship, encourage Christians in their life of faith, serve those in need, and give joyfully of the gifts that You first gave me.

    This I pray in Jesus' name.

  • Protect Your Dream

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Here comes that dreamer!” they said to each other...”(Genesis 37:19, NIV)

    As a young man, God gave Joseph a dream that one day his parents and his brothers would bow down before him. Joseph should have used more wisdom and not told them about his dream. Some people can’t handle what God has put inside you. They won’t celebrate you; rather, as Joseph’s brothers did, they’ll get jealous of you and start finding fault.

    When you have a dream, you’re going to have some detractors. Sometimes the people closest to you will be the least supportive. When you believe that you can overcome an illness, pay off your house, or be successful in spite of past mistakes, some people will become jealous and try to make you look bad or try to talk you out of it. Don’t try to prove who you are or convince them to believe in you. You don’t need their approval. You have Almighty God’s approval. You wouldn’t have that opposition if you didn’t have something great in you.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that You’ve put my dream in my heart. Help me to remember that doesn’t mean it’s going to come to pass without opposition, delays, and adversaries. I believe that I am moving forward with Your approval, and that’s all I need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • For a Heart Open to God’s Word

    God, as you gave us the sun to lighten our days, so you have given us your Word to lighten our minds and our souls. I pray that you will pour out on me your Spirit as I pray today, that my heart and mind may be opened to your Word, and that I may learn and accept your will for my life.

    Shine within my heart, loving God, the pure light of your divine knowledge; open the eyes of my mind and the ears of my heart to receive your Word, this day and always,

  • Enjoy the Simple Things

    Today’s Scripture
    “ put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment...”(1 Timothy 6:17, NIV)

    Don’t miss a great season in your life wishing you had more, complaining about what you don’t have. The real joy in life is in the simple things—making memories with your family, riding your bikes together, watching the sunset with your spouse, or staring up at the stars at night. You don’t have to have big vacations or lots of money to have fun. Learn to enjoy the simple things in life.

    Could it be that you’re at the right place for the season that you’re in, but you’re not enjoying it? Maybe if you would step back and see it from a new perspective, you would realize that God has you in the palms of His hands. He knows where you are, what you like, and what you don’t like.

    Instead of living discontented, frustrated, always wishing you were somewhere else, embrace the place where you are. See the good. Be grateful for what you have.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for being the God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Help me find real joy in the beauty of this moment and in life’s simple things. I declare that I will embrace the place where I am and be grateful for what I have. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • To Live in Sympathy with Others

    Blessed Lord Jesus, who wept with Mary and Martha when their brother Lazarus had died, may I ever take your love and sympathy for humanity into my heart. As Paul prayed in Romans, “May I rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.”

    Soften my heart towards all, heavenly Lord, my enemies and my friends, my family and those who offend me. May I see the humanity of all my fellow men, rather than their sinfulness, and replace the fist of criticism with the opens arms of Christian love. By your grace, Lord Christ, I dare to ask your help in overcoming my hard heart,

  • You Have the Authority

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you...”(Luke 10:19, ESV)

    If God be for you, who dare be against you? Quit telling yourself, “I’ll always struggle in this area. I’ll never lose this weight. I’ll never get out of debt.” Change your perspective. You are not weak, defeated, or inferior. You are full of “can do” power. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives inside you. Tap into that power. Greater is He that’s in you than he that comes against you. You are more than a conqueror.

    Now start putting things under your feet. Think of that word tread in today’s Scripture. One translation says “to trample.” God has not only put it under your feet, but He has armed you with authority and strength to be victorious. He has already equipped you. If you will see these obstacles as being under your feet, as being already defeated, a new boldness will rise up. Your faith will activate God’s power in a new way.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that You have given me power to tread on all the power of the enemy because Your Spirit lives in me. I believe that I can look down in faith and see my obstacles as being stepping stones to take me higher. I am more than a conqueror. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • The Heart of a Child

    Grant me this day, O God, the heart of a child,
    Pure and transparent as a spring;
    A simple heart, which never harbors sorrows;
    A heart glorious in self-giving,
    tender in compassion;
    A heart faithful and generous,
    which will never forget any good
    or bear a grudge for any evil.

    Make me a heart gentle and humble,
    loving without asking any return,
    large-hearted and undauntable,
    which no ingratitude can sour
    and no indifference can weary;
    a heart penetrated by the love of Jesus
    whose desire will only be satisfied in heaven.

    Grant me, O Lord, the mind and heart of your dear Son.

    ~ translated from an old French prayer, ca. 1880
  • Truly Fulfilled

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?...”(John 6:9, NIV)

    In today’s Scripture, a little boy had a sack lunch—five loaves of bread and two fish. Nothing much. Yet when thousands of people were hungry, Jesus took his lunch, multiplied it, and fed the whole crowd.

    Think about the boy’s mother who made the lunch. She was a homemaker raising a child without a title or acclaim. But titles don’t bring fulfillment. Keeping up with your neighbors doesn’t bring happiness. Trying to impress your friends will make your life miserable, but understanding your assignment and being comfortable with who God made you to be are what bring true fulfillment.

    Don’t discount the gift God has given you. Are you secure enough to play the role that God has given you? Are you comfortable enough to not have to be number one, to have the title, to keep up with others? The beauty of our God is that He has given every one of us a specific gift and purpose.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that the gifts You have given me are custom-made. Thank You that You have matched me for what You want me to do, and I have exactly what I need to fulfill Your plan for my life. I declare that I am content with my assignment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • For Dedication

    O God, I know that if I do not love you with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul and with all my strength, I will love something else with all my mind and heart and soul and strength. Grant that by putting you first in all my desires I will be liberated from all lesser desires, loving you first and foremost. Grant that my loyalties will lie completely with you; and that I will always have you as my first love, my chiefest good, and my final joy.

  • Start Thinking as a Child of God

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Dear friends, now we are the children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is...”(1 John 3:2, NIV)

    It’s easy to have the wrong image of ourselves. The Scripture says, “Now we are the children of God,” but too many times, we live as though we don’t deserve to be blessed because we’ve made too many mistakes and had too many negative things come against us. We live with a slave mentality to mediocrity, to guilt, to lack, to addictions.

    Stop thinking as a slave and start thinking as God's daughter or son. Stop thinking about what you’ve been through and the mistakes you’ve made, and start thinking about who you are. A child of the Most High God doesn’t live feeling guilty and condemned about past mistakes; he/she receives mercy and moves forward. A son or daughter has a boldness, a confidence. You’ll expect God’s favor. You’ll believe for doors to open for you that you don’t deserve. Why? Because you’re not a slave, or a hired worker, or a friend of the family. You’re a free child of Almighty God!

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that You have made me Your child, and I am no longer a slave. Thank You that You redeemed me, and You’re taking me forward into full freedom. I believe that I have Your favor, and the obstacles in my way will be overcome. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    -- edited by totnaker on Aug 06 2020, 02:14 AM
  • Prayer for Peace

    I thank you, master and lover of mankind, King of the ages and giver of all good things, for destroying the dividing wall of enmity and granting peace to those who seek your mercy. I appeal to you to awaken the longing for a peaceful life in all those who are filled with hate for their neighbors, thinking especially of those at war or preparing for war.

    Grant peace to your servants. Implant in us the fear of you and confirm in us love for one another. Extinguish every dispute and banish all temptations to disagreement. For you are our peace and to you we ascribe glory: to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto ages of ages.

  • Restful Waters

    Today’s Scripture
    “...Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you...”(1 Peter 5:7, TLB)

    Worry is a thief that steals your joy, your energy, and your sleep at night. You don’t make good decisions when you’re worried. You weren’t created to be constantly worried about your health, upset about your job, or stressed out over a friend who had been rude. Your mind needs a break. You weren’t designed to carry all that load. You have to turn your cares over to God.

    David had all kinds of opposition and enemies coming against him. He could have lived upset and worried, but he understood this principle: “The Lord is my shepherd. He leads me to restful waters.” David was saying, “The way I keep my sanity and protect my peace on a regular basis is to go down to the still waters. I empty out all the worry and anxiety.” He let his mind rest. It can be chaotic all around you—traffic, people, problems, drama—but on the inside, in your spirit, you’re at rest.

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You that You are my good shepherd who leads me to restful waters. I turn my cares over to You, knowing I can’t carry this load on my own, but You can and will on my behalf. I declare that I am resting in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  • Thanks for All Mercies

    Everlasting King, your will for our salvation is bursting with power. Your right arm controls the whole course of human life. I give you thanks for all your mercies, for those I see and for those I cannot see, and for the unnumbered mercies I cannot even imagine. For eternal life, for the heavenly joys of the Kingdom which is to be, I bend my knee in gratitude. Grant mercy to all who sing your praise, both now and in the time to come. Glory to You alone, O God of eternity, from age to age.
