Forum Topic

Help on how to wire my switch

  • I just replaced my ceiling fan with a ceiling fan with a light. I already connected the wires on the ceiling, black to black, white to white, ground to ground and blue to red. On my switch box, i have 3 of them: 1switch for a light, 1 switch for an outlet and the slide switch for the ceiling fan. So far, on the switch box, the red wire isn't connected coz the old ceiling fan doesnt have a light. Now, I would like to use the middle switch (switch to an outlet), however, upon trying to put the red wire on either side of that middle switch, the light doesn't turn on. Am I missing something? need help. Thanks. Here is the image of the switch box:


    again, I would like to use the middle switch that is also connected to a plug. Plug only activates when this switch is on. I would still want the plug to be controlled by that switch + the light switch for the ceiling fan.
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