Forum Topic

I've been hacked I need help

  • So I've worked with IHG company and as a new employee i've installed their required softwares on my devices - on my CP - Ping ID, RSA I also installed their app. Then on my laptop is Ivanti, Crowdstrike and there's this folder Landesk. Everything seems normal until I resigned Ive noticed my FB and Linkedin was hacked so I reset my CP but its still hacked so Ive reset it again and again but still nothing its still hacked. Then eventually they hacked all my accounts like Gmail and the likes...then on my laptop I think they hacked our network? So even if I use my family's laptop they are also able to hack the browser even their cp's are actually hacked... Is there a solution to this problem?
  • if you use 2fa or ubikey in the first place you should not have this issue in the first place.

    one thing ill do first is shutdown all the computers and factory reset your phone.

    next time, if your going to install work apps on your phone, make sure everything you install on that apps on your work is under work profile, this should at least isolate this apps you installed for work from interacting with your private part of your phone.

    for your computer, its actually a good practice to install another OS for work only in a Virtual Machine and install all your work apps there, so once you resigned from work, all you do is purge that VM and your done.

    -- edited by polka on Oct 24 2022, 01:42 AM